Thursday, October 14, 2010

Moonkin 101 for 4.0.1

OK, so 4.0.1 has entirely changed the game, here is what you need to know.

1) Go to your trainer and learn everything, lots of things need to be trained (again) such as Bear Form.
2) Use this spec:
3) Put your abilities back in your bars, and add the new one (Starsurge).
4) Sell your reagents, you won't need them anymore.
5) Visit your friendly scribe or the AH. Pick up any druid glyphs you don't have (as you now "learn" a glyph and can apply it at will).

For the glyphs, follow the above spec. You may want to swap in/out the following for Major Glyphs depending on the situation: Focus (situational), Monsoon, Hurricane. I've included Rebirth, which isn't a dps glyph, but helps a lot if you ever need to brez, which we often do.

Now that your spec is all set, let's look at gear. Follow these simple rules:
1) Take off any cloth you have.
2) Put on the highest ilevel caster leather that you have (keeping your 4pc t10 of course).

The main things you need to know about stat changes:
1) You now need the full 17% hit. You will hit cap at 446 hit.
2) Spirit becomes hit, use it instead of hit when you can, because it also gives you mana back (this won't matter now, but it will as you level).
3) Int = spellpower (weapons and some trinket procs may still have spellpower, but everything else will have int).

Your stat priority looks like this:
Int > spirit (to hit cap) > hit (to cap) > haste > sp > crit > mastery

Now, gem everything to match socket bonus if the bonus is sp. If it isn't, put a pure int (red) gem in it. You should use:
Red: Brilliant Cardinal Ruby
Blue: Purified Dreadstone
Yellow: Reckless Ametrine

You will also want to go to Wyrmrest and Hodir to pick up the old healing head and shoulder enchants. The mp5 has turned to spirit and the sp to int. The sp/crit ones stayed sp/crit (so if you're on a budget or don't have the rep, they're still ok to keep using, but not optimal).

Now comes the fun...reforging. Chances are, you have extra hit and extra spirit, and you're finding yourself with less crit and haste than you had before. There is a reforging NPC by the enchanting trainer in Dalaran. You will want to get as close to the hit cap as you can (slightly over is better than slightly under). This works by first taking your gear with hit and reforging that. Reforge to the stat priorities above, each reforge will remove 40% of the stat and let you turn it into another secondary stat (haste, crit, spirit, mastery, hit) that isn't already on that item.

There you go, now you're ready except for the "how to play" part. So, here's the way your "rotation" works.
You have 5 main abilities: Moonfire (MF) which morphs into the exact spell but called Sunfire during solar eclipse, Insect Swarm (IS), Wrath (W), Starfire (SF), and the new one Starsurge (SS) which is on a medium cooldown. You continue to have 2 long cooldowns in Force of Nature and Starfall. You also have an eclipse bar with a sun at one end and a moon at the other (just under your player portrait in the default UI). In order to do maximum dps, you will always want to keep the eclipse bar progressing one way or another.

In order to do that, you should know that only 3 spells move the bar: SF, W, SS. SF will move the bar from the Lunar side towards the Solar side and W will move the bar from the Solar to the Lunar. SS is unique in that it will always move the bar in the best direction. It is important to note that the bar will only move in one direction until it gets all the way to the other end, at which point you trigger the eclipse. You should generally treat your spells as a priority:
Instant SS > MF > IS > SS > W or SF depending on which eclipse.

There is a little debate over that vs having a more strict timing for MF (since it is what gives us the haste buff once we proc an eclipse), but in general it is better to have it ticking than to wait, and you won't waste the haste buff anyway, you'll simply trigger it at a different time...which isn't a problem since eclipses are now based on number of casts, rather than time. It is also helpful since your talents will let you clear the cooldown on SS and also turn it into an instant as a chance per dot tick. I say prioritize MF over IS because both dots are affected by haste (and crit) now, so you want to proc the haste from MF before casting IS.

A couple quick notes on spells for AoE. Hurricane and Starfall are now effected by their respective Solar and Lunar eclipses to make them more powerful. Starfall has unfortunately lost all its splash damage, so you just get 20 stars now with 2+ targets or 10 with 1.

There you have it, the basics for Boomkin in patch 4.0.1. Look for an update soon™ for Bears, as I and some others try out various proposed specs and rotations.