If you have a specific one you'd like to add in place of those, it is pretty simple to do inside of Power Auras. Just look at the buff your trinket/enchant gives you for a name, then edit one of the proc detectors with that name instead of what I put in, and then go to the animations section and adjust the animation to be the length of the buff. Tada, updated for your own items. :)
So, here's the strings (type /powa, click import set, and paste this in):
Aura[1]=Version:4.3; b:0.898; icon:Spell_Nature_NaturesBlessing; buffname:Nature's Grace; r:0.949; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:4; symetrie:3; isResting:0; stacksOperator:=; size:1.5; y:0; finish:0@
Aura[2]=Version:4.3; target:true; icon:Spell_Nature_StarFall; buffname:Moonfire/Sunfire; x:64; bufftype:2; alpha:0.5; owntex:true; isResting:0; mine:true; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; combat:true; size:0.19; y:62; timer.h:1.56; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:22; timer.x:64; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[3]=Version:4.3; b:0.6431; g:0.4392; icon:Ability_Druid_Eclipse; buffname:Ability_Druid_Eclipse; r:0.349; begin:1; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:5; isResting:0; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; wowtex:true; combat:true; size:0.5; y:100@
Aura[4]=Version:4.3; b:0.1961; g:0.6118; icon:Ability_Druid_EclipseOrange; buffname:Ability_Druid_EclipseOrange; begin:1; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:5; alpha:0.75; isResting:0; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; wowtex:true; combat:true; size:0.5; y:100@
Aura[5]=Version:4.3; g:0.6902; icon:Spell_Nature_Lightning; buffname:Innervate; r:0.302; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:7; texture:23; alpha:0.1; owntex:true; isResting:0; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; size:0.02@
Aura[6]=Version:4.3; anim1:4; g:0.5059; icon:Spell_fire_meteorstorm; r:0.2706; begin:1; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:9; texture:15; isResting:0; multiids:5; speed:2; stacksOperator:=; threshold:56; size:0.5; y:216; anim2:2@
Aura[7]=Version:4.3; target:true; icon:Spell_Nature_InsectSwarm; buffname:Insect Swarm; x:-64; isAlive:0; bufftype:2; alpha:0.5; owntex:true; isResting:0; mine:true; inVehicle:0; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; combat:true; size:0.19; y:62; ismounted:0; timer.h:1.56; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:22; timer.x:-64; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[8]=Version:4.3; b:0.1529; icon:Ability_Druid_ForceofNature; buffname:Force of Nature; r:0; begin:5; x:-64; bufftype:15; texture:23; alpha:0.35; wowtex:true; size:0.5; y:191; timer.h:1.56; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:188; timer.x:-80@
Aura[9]=Version:4.3; g:0.9922; icon:Ability_Druid_Starfall; buffname:Starfall; r:0.6745; begin:7; x:65; bufftype:15; texture:45; alpha:0.6; wowtex:true; size:0.5; y:180; timer.h:1.56; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:188; timer.x:53@
Aura[10]=Version:4.3; b:0.0039; g:0; icon:Ability_Paladin_SacredCleansing; buffname:Power Torrent; r:0.5451; x:-1; texture:23; isResting:0; duration:12; stacksOperator:=; combat:true; size:1.1; torsion:1.5; y:-155; anim2:4; timer.h:1.95; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-180; timer.x:-17@
Aura[11]=Version:4.3; b:0; g:0.1765; icon:Achievement_Halloween_Witch_01; buffname:Witching Hour; r:0.3176; x:1; texture:23; alpha:0.65; isResting:0; duration:15; stacksOperator:=; combat:true; size:1.1; torsion:1.5; y:-225; anim2:4; timer.h:1.95; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-247; timer.x:-17@
Aura[12]=Version:4.3; b:0; g:0.3059; icon:Spell_Arcane_Blink; buffname:Revelation; r:0.3176; x:1; texture:23; alpha:0.65; isResting:0; duration:20.75; stacksOperator:=; combat:true; size:1.1; torsion:1.5; y:-294; anim2:4; timer.h:1.95; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-317; timer.x:-17@
Aura[13]=Version:4.3; b:0; g:0.9922; icon:Ability_Mage_ArcaneBarrage; buffname:Shooting Stars; x:144; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:143; isResting:0; speed:1.5; sound:23; stacksOperator:=; size:0.7; torsion:0.78; y:163; finish:0@
As a bonus, a lot of people need to move out of the group faster on Val and Ther when they're exploding. This should help (just perform a single import):
Version:4.3; b:0.149; g:0; icon:Spell_Holy_ConsumeMagic; buffname:engulfing magic; bufftype:2; sound:17; combat:true; size:2.09