Saturday, February 12, 2011

Power Auras Boomkin Update

I've gotten a lot of requests for help with noticing things, or having a UI that tracks cooldowns and procs. Quite frankly, the built in UI sucks. It will show you a starsurge proc, but everything else only shows up for a split second when you proc it, with no information as to if you're still in it or not. This is an updated set of power auras, it includes moonfire/sunfire as a combined dot, newer trinkets (sorry only the ones I've been using, which are the Witching Hourglass and Theralion's Mirror) and the Power Surge enchant. Personally I usually run with the dot tracking turned off, as I prefer xperl's target and target of target frames for that, so feel free to turn off any of these you don't like, the rest will still keep working.

If you have a specific one you'd like to add in place of those, it is pretty simple to do inside of Power Auras. Just look at the buff your trinket/enchant gives you for a name, then edit one of the proc detectors with that name instead of what I put in, and then go to the animations section and adjust the animation to be the length of the buff. Tada, updated for your own items. :)

So, here's the strings (type /powa, click import set, and paste this in):

Aura[1]=Version:4.3; b:0.898; icon:Spell_Nature_NaturesBlessing; buffname:Nature's Grace; r:0.949; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:4; symetrie:3; isResting:0; stacksOperator:=; size:1.5; y:0; finish:0@
Aura[2]=Version:4.3; target:true; icon:Spell_Nature_StarFall; buffname:Moonfire/Sunfire; x:64; bufftype:2; alpha:0.5; owntex:true; isResting:0; mine:true; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; combat:true; size:0.19; y:62; timer.h:1.56; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:22; timer.x:64; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[3]=Version:4.3; b:0.6431; g:0.4392; icon:Ability_Druid_Eclipse; buffname:Ability_Druid_Eclipse; r:0.349; begin:1; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:5; isResting:0; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; wowtex:true; combat:true; size:0.5; y:100@
Aura[4]=Version:4.3; b:0.1961; g:0.6118; icon:Ability_Druid_EclipseOrange; buffname:Ability_Druid_EclipseOrange; begin:1; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:5; alpha:0.75; isResting:0; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; wowtex:true; combat:true; size:0.5; y:100@
Aura[5]=Version:4.3; g:0.6902; icon:Spell_Nature_Lightning; buffname:Innervate; r:0.302; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:7; texture:23; alpha:0.1; owntex:true; isResting:0; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; size:0.02@
Aura[6]=Version:4.3; anim1:4; g:0.5059; icon:Spell_fire_meteorstorm; r:0.2706; begin:1; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:9; texture:15; isResting:0; multiids:5; speed:2; stacksOperator:=; threshold:56; size:0.5; y:216; anim2:2@
Aura[7]=Version:4.3; target:true; icon:Spell_Nature_InsectSwarm; buffname:Insect Swarm; x:-64; isAlive:0; bufftype:2; alpha:0.5; owntex:true; isResting:0; mine:true; inVehicle:0; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; combat:true; size:0.19; y:62; ismounted:0; timer.h:1.56; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:22; timer.x:-64; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[8]=Version:4.3; b:0.1529; icon:Ability_Druid_ForceofNature; buffname:Force of Nature; r:0; begin:5; x:-64; bufftype:15; texture:23; alpha:0.35; wowtex:true; size:0.5; y:191; timer.h:1.56; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:188; timer.x:-80@
Aura[9]=Version:4.3; g:0.9922; icon:Ability_Druid_Starfall; buffname:Starfall; r:0.6745; begin:7; x:65; bufftype:15; texture:45; alpha:0.6; wowtex:true; size:0.5; y:180; timer.h:1.56; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:188; timer.x:53@
Aura[10]=Version:4.3; b:0.0039; g:0; icon:Ability_Paladin_SacredCleansing; buffname:Power Torrent; r:0.5451; x:-1; texture:23; isResting:0; duration:12; stacksOperator:=; combat:true; size:1.1; torsion:1.5; y:-155; anim2:4; timer.h:1.95; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-180; timer.x:-17@
Aura[11]=Version:4.3; b:0; g:0.1765; icon:Achievement_Halloween_Witch_01; buffname:Witching Hour; r:0.3176; x:1; texture:23; alpha:0.65; isResting:0; duration:15; stacksOperator:=; combat:true; size:1.1; torsion:1.5; y:-225; anim2:4; timer.h:1.95; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-247; timer.x:-17@
Aura[12]=Version:4.3; b:0; g:0.3059; icon:Spell_Arcane_Blink; buffname:Revelation; r:0.3176; x:1; texture:23; alpha:0.65; isResting:0; duration:20.75; stacksOperator:=; combat:true; size:1.1; torsion:1.5; y:-294; anim2:4; timer.h:1.95; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-317; timer.x:-17@
Aura[13]=Version:4.3; b:0; g:0.9922; icon:Ability_Mage_ArcaneBarrage; buffname:Shooting Stars; x:144; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:143; isResting:0; speed:1.5; sound:23; stacksOperator:=; size:0.7; torsion:0.78; y:163; finish:0@

As a bonus, a lot of people need to move out of the group faster on Val and Ther when they're exploding. This should help (just perform a single import):

Version:4.3; b:0.149; g:0; icon:Spell_Holy_ConsumeMagic; buffname:engulfing magic; bufftype:2; sound:17; combat:true; size:2.09

Thursday, February 10, 2011

WTF OP Enh Shams

I can't help it... it is rant time.

I just got an enh sham in my group for SFK as a random heroic.
They did very well, so after a couple busses, I looked at their gear.

This is when I was shocked that they did quite well with a 312 green main hand weapon and a 333 off hand weapon, a crafted/rep purple or two, and a smattering of other greens amongst the 333 and 346 blues.

Then, on the last boss, I had to rant.
I pulled what I thought was a fairly respectable 16k+ for a heroic boss, considering that in any pug I am usually top damage in raids, and in guild runs I'm usually near the top too. However, the mentioned sham pulled 19.8k as averaged across the fight, putting me to crap gear.

Bliz, wtf?

Important changes with 4.0.6

4.0.6 is now finally live. Along with it are a small smattering of boomkin changes.

In general:
Moonkin form looses armor bonus, gets 15% damage reduction. Cool, since it should just be spells hitting us in raids anyway.
You'll have more mana as a few things (moonfire/sunfire) cost less mana to cast now.
Planting shrooms is now instant so can be done while moving and they do more damage, very handy for raid AoE damage such as on Cho'Gall.
Starfall is now smarter (won't hit mobs you're not in combat with), except when it bugs (often), and drops more stars more quickly.
Meta gems are fixed, but we also have new ones so who cares. You should now use Burning Shadowspirit Diamond.
If you aren't a LW, enchanting now has an Int to wrist enchant, use it.
The stat priority shifts to move Mastery above crit, as our mastery got a buff, so now the priority is:
int > spirit/hit (to hit cap) > haste > mastery > crit

Really, most of these are minor for us. Our play style is the same, as is our cast priority, we just get a little more out of some of our gear and the new gems.

Also, a note: it appears as if all the glyphs got switched around on the talent tree I had posted before, so here's what you'll want to be using in almost all cases:
Prime: Moonfire, Insect Swarm, Wrath
Major: Starfall, Rebirth...optional last spot as Focus, Monsoon, or Innervate depending on fight.
Minor: Mark of the Wild, Unburdened Rebirth, Dash (all optional, as they don't affect combat, but are often helpful)
Once you reach certain gear levels, and for certain fights, the StarSurge glyph may be good to replace one of the above.