OK, it has been a while, and I've been short on time, so I'm going to make one large post with all you need to know for FL.
Spec - not changed much, but drop lunar shower, picking up aoe or utility talents along with dreamstate (for when you multidot a lot, since it no longer costs less mana).
Gear - Originally, we were to keep t11 4pc until we got the full t12 4pc of the same lvl (heroic to replace heroic). Thanks to the t11 4pc nerf though, go ahead and go to 2pc 2pc when you can. The shoulders are still the slot to go non-tier with spirit/haste instead. We still have the same stat priority as well.
Boom Boss DPS Strats
Shannox - Any way your raid decides to do this, multi-dot everything while going through your rotation on your main target, including if somebody is stupid enough to get stuck in a trap.
Beth'tilac - This is where you can shine with dreamstate and having removed your lunar shower. Stay on the bottom. Get to solar and double dot every spinner and the drone. Mushroom and typhoon the spiderlings, then use normal rotation once Beth'tilac drops down. For filler, use starfire so you don't push out of solar until the burn phase.
Lord Rhyolith - Stack with everybody in middle, just stay solar, shroom the little adds and double dot/starfire the larger adds. When called to help turn the boss, starfire the correct leg. Enter normal rotation for burn phase. You won't be top damage here on normal mode, let the single target and channeled aoe folks have the fun.
Alysrazor - We are ok to fly, but fire mages and spriests are much better (and aflic locks are great too). If you're flying, do your normal rotation as much as you can until wrath is more than haste capped, then get into solar for double dotting and spam starfire...when dropping down, dot up the hatchlings as you fly past. If you're not flying (which is the usual), run through your normal rotation and dot up both hatchlings while killing the add on your side, and double dot alysrazor while it flys by each time. During tornado phase, have picked up at least 1 feather prior and try to get through the fire hoops on the ground to pick up the haste buff, even if you weren't flying. During burn phase, solar beam an add so it can't channel power into Alysrazor and pop every cooldown you have during this phase for maximum dps.
Baleroc - Pure dps burn, just go through your rotation and pop your cooldowns as they make sense to. If you're called to be a shard soaker it won't hurt dps, but be sure to use barkskin each time your stacks get higher to make healing much easier.
Majordomo Staghelm - Keep dps on him with your rotation the whole time. Throw a dot, or two if they live long enough, on the secondary adds during cat phase (Especially as you transition him since the dots will keep ticking while everybody is stunned).
...and that leaves Ragnaros - "TOO SOON!"
Phase 1 - Burn him
Transitions - As ranged you'll probably have 2 adds to worry about further from the hammer. This is cake as a boom. Set up shrooms under where the closest one will spawn that you're handling. Pop starfall just as it is about to spawn, blow the shrooms when it spawns, then double dot it. Double dot your second add while backing up, and then be ready to typhoon. Sometimes I get dots off on another add to help somebody else and then typhoon 3 or 4 adds (including my 2nd one).
Phase 2 - shroom the stacks, typhoon when folks need to move the stack off of fire to give more survivability, starfall during the packs when it is up.
Phase 3 - Just burn him down, make sure to save cooldowns towards the end of p2 for this. Thanks to the extra adds (scions) in the last transition you should have starfall up again by the time you fully enter p3, even if you use it during the transition. Dot both of the scions and rag while doing normal rotation on the appropriate scion, then rag as you push into full p3.
And that...is all of FireLands normal in a Boomkin nutshell.
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