Thursday, September 16, 2010

Are you fast enough?

This question is a larger question than you might think, and all aspects of it are valid to ask and discuss.

Firstly, are you fast enough to be observant?
Then, are you fast enough to move (usually out of the way of something bad)?
Are you fast enough to react to a raidlead's instruction (brez, adjust, etc)?
For these 3, and other similar issues, please see my previous post on raid awareness, much of it applies to how quickly you are aware, reducing the time it takes you to do everything else.

Can you move fast enough to get out of said problem?
AKA, do you use tustkar's or cat's swiftness? Do you make use of travel form, sprint/dash, blink, rocket boots?
If you can't say yes to any of the need to.

Lastly, and my main focus and inspiration for this, are you fast enough to do max dps?
Let's assume you can stand in 1 spot and never have to move (since all of that is covered in the above areas).
You will have 3 main things that determine how fast you can cast and get a spell out.

1) Do you have enough haste?
Make sure you're at LEAST at the soft haste cap (roughly 400 as a boomkin with full raid buffs).
Get more, more is better.

2) Is your ping/latency low enough?
There are many ways that people go about dropping this, but they all boil down to network settings changes. The simple and easy answer is to look up leatrix latency fix for you Windows users, their faq also has info on how to do the same via command line on Mac. Sometimes it helps, other times it doesn't. Some folks, especially in other countries from their game server, will use a third party game proxy service. You're aiming for something in the <50 range, but even 200 is playable. If you have huge latency, especially as a boomkin, use crit instead of haste once above the soft cap, or just pure SP (as most do anyway).

3) Do you understand how spell queueing works? How about for instants or shorter than GCD casts?
Let's take the easy example of Starfire (since it will pretty much never be non-queued).
When you cast starfire, it takes longer than the GCD. Once the GCD is done AND the spell is about to finish, you can press it again and it will be queued. This lets the server start casting it as soon as the other spell is done, for a net result of no lost cast time. The most effective way to get this to happen is simply to spam your cast key, so you'll get into that queue window asap, even if you have bad latency.

Now let's look at a spell like wrath (which will drop below the GCD cast time easily once in mostly 264 gear, when you proc on crit, if not before). I'll use me as an example. wrath takes .7 sec to cast, the GCD is 1 sec, so I have a minimum theoretical time of .3 sec every sec of not being casting. This is how any kind of dps spreadsheet or RAWR will look at things, for the most part.

Now let's look at how this is implemented, technically. You press the wrath keybind (you're not clicking are you?), your client checks to make sure you're not inside the GCD...if you are it throws away the keypress, then it checks to see if you're CC'd or unable to cast for some other reason...if so it throws out the keypress, then it checks to see if you're casting...if you are, and you're not in the queueable window, it throws away the keypress...then it sends the wrath command to the server (internet latency), then the server checks to make sure you're not doing anything else, then the server executes your command. This is where a lot of people end it, but it is important to note the next step too. Your client doesn't start the GCD (local on the client) until the server tells your client (internet latency), that your command has started.

Now that you know how it works, let's talk about speeding up Wrath casting. The average button spammer hits the keyboard about 4-5 times per second. For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to use 5 times/sec, which means you hit the key every .2 seconds on average. So, looking at our wrath example, you cast, get back a gcd, at which point you need to INSTANTLY hit the wrath button. In our average situation, you're going to miss by anywhere from almost nothing to .2 seconds. .2 sec on a spell that only takes 1 sec (only because of the GCD) is fairly significant...making it up to a 20% increase in cast time used for 1 cast. Clearly, the answer is to "FACEROLL HARDER!" Seriously though, we need to generate more wrath commands faster, so that we loose less time doing nothing. Bliz has stated that programable keyboards and such are violations of the ToS and User Agreement, and can result in a ban...but there is an easy answer. Most people can use 2 fingers alternately, almost as effectively as a single one. So, if you use...say, 2, as your wrath button. Put wrath into the 3 slot as well and use 2 fingers to mash on it. You won't be consistant with 1 vs the other, one will probably end up slower sometimes or get you off pattern, but just try to get comfortable with alternating fingers to hit the keys. This can bring your tap time down easily to about .1 sec instead of .2...which means now you do 10% more dps while casting wrath (assuming your latency is reasonable).

This is applicable to any chain casting class that is hitting the GCD with the same spell, including restos using intants and mouseover targets. Please let me know if this helps you too! :)

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